Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Community Supported Agriculture

In an effort to shop local and be healthy, Team Runnermom has joined the localvore movement and invested in a CSA (community supported agriculture). We paid for a full share in Wiggin Farm in Stratham, NH, which we found through Seacoast Eat Local, an organization which provides the NH/ME Seacoast communities with Farmers' Markets throughout the year.

Before heading to the gym for a run (toooooo hot today to run outside! Yowza!), I stopped at our local Chamber of Commerce to pick up our share. YUM. We received a beautiful bunch of Swiss Chard along with 2 bulbs of spring garlic - I promptly turned that into dinner - along with spring turnips, baby bok choi (YUM, redux), kale, a beautiful head of lettuce, tat soi (gotta look that one up), and popcorn(??). All was bunched and ready to go. Wiggin also provides the CSA folks with discounts on eggs and flowers, from which I held back today.

Bravo to Wiggin for delivering to our Farmers' Market. Convenient and fresh. Supporting a local farm. Trying new things.....what is a tat soi anyway?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fabulous NE weather we're having

May ended with a heat blast; June started with a blow.

The last 2 days have not been wonderful for outdoor training. The mere mention of a tornado in NH simply sent me inside. With my luck, as soon as I was halfway down my selected route, a wind and/or thunderstorm would wreak havoc on the landscape. Therefore, I chose to exercise inside.

I knew I had to get a good run accomplished, as SwimGirl will participate in a 3-day swim meet starting today. SwimDad is stepping up his officiating responsibilities and will be working doubles, hence no kid coverage at home, equaling limited opportunities for me to get exercise Sat/Sun. Yesterday, I worked hills and a little sprint attempt.

Running inside, while it may be safer, is also BORING. I didn't get the machine I like, but instead got a treadmill (I have an acquaintance who calls them "shredders" - LOL) pushed over to the wall. Grumble - I couldn't see Dr. Oz - if I have to be inside, at least I want to be entertained by medical quackery. So instead, I put on a Meatloaf and Melissa Etheridge running mix and counted how many seconds I needed to run for each burned calorie. Woo-hoo! Ain't I a hot date?! However, run accomplished, and I was able to enjoy La Festa pizza guilt free!

Shameless plug: