Monday, June 14, 2010

The first 10k

Market Square Days in Portsmouth holds the first of the longer events in the Seacoast Series. Both SwimGirl and I are going for the Seacoast Series incentive - the "free" jacket. The jacket has a certain cachet on the seacoast of NH, as it proves a runner gave up many a lovely summer morning to run and their $$ to fun for charity. In order to secure one of the coveted jackets, a runner must complete 6 of the 8 runs, including 2 runs of greater than 5k. Well, folks, the two of us have gotten 3 runs under our belts and completed our first 10k at Market Square Days this past Saturday.

While I had completed the Seacoast 1/2 Marathon last year, I had not yet done a 10k and SwimGirl, being only 10, definitely had not. We did some psych prep for the run: SwimGirl got to get her new New Balance sneaks from Runner's Alley (did I mention Runner's Alley/New Balance gave away FREE sneakers to the age group winners at Red Hook - saved me $55!), we picked up our numbers early, and drove the course. I'd been running the mileage in under 60 minutes and she'd been swimming and doing lots of drylands for swim team. We were ready.

Race Day had fabulous weather for runners: overcast, low 60's, occasional gentle misting. The course had some hills, but only 1 killer at the end. I felt GREAT, unlike Red Hook, where I nearly stopped due to heat. SwimGirl tweaked her ankle during the race and was a bit of a hurtin' unit towards the end. However, she finished in 55:02 and I finished in 55:37. Pretty proud of us chickies, especially since SwimGirl finished 8th in her age group, which was 19 (!) and under. Yowza!

3 down, 3 to go!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Her first 10k

SwimGirl's gettin' ready to run her first 10k tom'w. Considering she won her age group for the 2010 Red Hook 5k, I'm not too worried about her finishing.

Me, on the other hand...........I'm a little concerned....