Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Attempts and Back in the Saddle

Zumba. Who thought of dance as workout? The concept is nice; I enjoy dancing and the thought of working out to samba, meringue (sp?), and salsa music really does appeal. The actuality, however, was not even close to a real workout.

I admit to being a touch late to class. I got to the gym late as SwimGirl had an afternoon dr's appointment (her normal checkup) and DaddyMan got home early enough for me to attempt the gym. I threw my bag and jacket into one of the aerobic room's cubbies and jumped into an empty space. The class finally started after a small debacle involving sound systems, CDs and the Manager-on-Duty (MOD) rescuing the instructor in distress (yup, she was a damsel). I felt much relieved, as class had not yet started.

But, boy, was I disappointed in the quality of the workout. As someone who runs +/- 6 miles per day, I got barely warm and loose when the instructor would stop the ENTIRE RHYTHM of the class to change songs. Very disconcerting. I also found the "booty shaking", "pumping", and "hits" a little odd for a group of over forty, fairly out of shape women (yours truly excluded, thank you very much). Lots of flab on the fly, lemme tell ya. I know I sound uncharitable, but yeesh. If ya've got too much bounce to the ounce, diet BEFORE taking Zumba.

On a brighter note, my fellow RunnerMom started (I helped chaperone) an off-season running group for the swim kids. SwimGirl and several of her fishie friends ran a 5k today. BIG fun. We had several levels of runner today, including one little fishie who was not going to let inexperience stop her. She hauled her little self the entire 3.12 miles and managed to keep the more experienced kiddos in her view. VERY proud of her first run out. SwimGirl had a fantastic time chatting while she ran - a good time had by all. One of our guy fishies had a great run and can't wait to "play" again - YAY!

Being back outside for the spring feels GREAT!

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