Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Still raining,,,and ranting

The weather can seriously impact running. As I am the proud owner of 1 pair of no-yet-dead running shoes, I have NO plans to run outside in the mess currently known as Southeastern NH.

The news has had extensive coverage of the flooding. People in the area, however, have done nothing more than kavetch about the problem and marvel at Mother' Nature's wrath. Channel 9 has covered the flood watches, as has Foster's Daily Democrat, but human interest stories seem to be at low ebb. The news sources have made little mention of neighbors helping neighbors or anything else of that ilk. Can the news agencies really not find anything worthy of reporting? Are the masses really just watching the flood swollen rivers stream by their residences?

As I struggle with the question posed above, I also struggle with our lawmakers answers to most questions. How did elected officials manage to find themselves in office? Are said officials really elected to take the interest of townspeople or in office to fund their own need for greed? I, of course, am on the side of the kids, as I am a school librarian.

What's happening? Due to the tax cap and/or other financial difficulties found in other regional towns, many school and rec departments are facing HUGE cutbacks. Apparently, the all-mighty dollar once again rules, rather than common sense. Our children's well-beings risk a serious blow as town athletic, music, and academic programs are slashed past the core and to the point of ridiculousness. Perhaps the time has come for townspeople to push uncaring folk out of the limelight and elect representatives who truly care about people, as well as the bottom line.

To make yourself heard in Dover - click here
For Portsmouth - click here
Be sure to let local city councils know exactly how YOU feel about 35 member classrooms, teachers working without contracts, music-art-phys ed programs cut out of budgets, and the closing of local athletic venues, such as the local Parks and Recreation departments (camps, pools, parks, etc.). We live in a democracy - Make your voice heard!

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