Sunday, March 14, 2010

Start of a new season

Yes, I know I have a blog. Yes, I am also aware I have been neglecting blogging "responsibilities". Why? KNEES. One. Word. KNEES.

I have 2 of the blessed items. Yup, just like everyone else, I have 2. Unfortunately, I have been battling with my joints since the holidaze. I think, thanks to the wonders of cortisone shots, the problem of swelling and softball-sized knees has been solved.

Some good runs have occurred over the past 3-4 weeks of approximately 9/5 miles on weekends and averaging 6 on regular work days. My poor SwimGirl put a crimp into my schedule this week, as she came down with a nasty case of stomach flu, which did not allow me time to get to the gym. Today, I was planning on a good long run, as the DaddyMan was in da house.

Alas, a good long run escaped me. My gym (The Works) had a power outage. AGH! Quiet time fot RunnerMom.....Gone! Whine....I know, go get some cheese to go with that whine. I understand why the outage happened - the wind is blowing so hard the second floor of my house is swaying. But, geez, all I wanted was a 90 minute trot! Pout.

Upcoming runs (SwimGirl will be doing all of these with the exception of the 5 miler!):
4/24 - Seacoast Science Center's Whale of a 5k
4/25 - Red's Shoe Barn 5 miler
5/1 - Children's Museum of NH 5k
5/9 - Mother's Day 5k - As this benefits WomenAid, I highly rec this one.
5/23 - Walk/Run for Angie - Put this on all your calendars! This benefits a teacher-friend who had a major stroke. Excellent reason to get your training started!

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